The doors are open, please come in

I was counting it out today.  I’ve moved 7 times since I married 28 years ago.  Every single time there was something better that waited.  We always knew when it was time to pack it all up and leave.  Things closed down around us as a stirring made its way in, inviting us to leave the familiar to experience something new.  Whether a new town, fenced yard or more living space it was always worth pulling up the stakes.
The hardest relocation for us all was moving to a new town.  Everything familiar we had known was left behind.  Not only did we leave a house full of wonderful memories we left relationships with good friends.  What would happen to the bonds we had formed?   It’s always in the back of your mind when you step out into fresh territory.  Will the connections stay through life’s horizons?
Most of them don’t.  Distance creates a separation causing the impromptus to be left behind.  Dear people who have been part of life changing events are forever etched into your soul. Yet keeping touch often becomes difficult, causing the strong, intimate bond you once shared to wane.  I hate leaving dear friends behind.  It’s the hardest part of all. 
I feel God stirring in me again these days, urging me to uproot from my old blog and move to a completely new home.  Something awaits me in this place.  It stands by waiting to be revealed.  I feel the tearing of my soul as I leave good, faithful friends behind.  Will l I lose touch with those I’ve come to know and love?   I want to keep the bond of relationship… yet I know a new horizon waits.
I’ve had the old blog now for over 5 years.  It all happened by accident, really.  I signed on to respond to a friend and ended up with a blog of my own.  It sat dormant, untouched and forgotten for a while.  A year later I went to visit that same friend’s blog and remembered mine.  I unlatched the door, dusted off all the furniture, opened all the windows and took up residence.  It’s where I’ve been since 2007.
So much history rests in that old blog home.   It has become a sacred place of my soul, my heart is breathed into the words that fill the pages.  It’s hard to pack up and leave it all behind.  I find myself wrestling between two places.  Will I leave the old behind to step into something new?
I’ve packed things up to move.  I’ve come to this, my new home.  It’s time to meet the neighbors.  The doors are open.  The welcome sign is out.  You are invited.  I hope you join me as I walk out my long and winding road.

25 thoughts on “The doors are open, please come in

  1. Simply put, you amaze me! This writing that you do, it comes off the screen and I can feel it; your words, this place, your welcome, this road. It intrigues me and makes me want more.

    You my dear, dear friend are a writer gifted by God to share the journey and I am priviledged to cheer you on from the sidelines that is unfortunately thousands of miles away!

    So, I have my pom-pom in one hand and my megaphone in the other……..

    Until next time!

    Love to you!

    • My dear friend, what a gift it was for me the day you entered my life. We truly are kindred hearts… did you know that I always wanted to be a cheerleader because I too love cheering people on? One more thing we share, my friend. What a gift it is to have you here with me on this journey… a true gift… Sure wish you were down the road.. Just think this life is just a fleeing moment compared to eternity where we will get to hang out forever!!! Love ya!

  2. Hi Julie,
    I, also, come along and cheer you on. God’s plans for us are to give us a future and a hope…waiting with you …knowing and believing that every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation nor turning. Can’t wait to see what God will have for you and to read all about it.

    Love and prayers,

  3. As usual, I love what you write. This made me want to pack up and go with you. Which I am – I’m going with you wherever you go. I love you, Mom

  4. Love your new home,Julie ❤ It's beautiful as are you. So honored to be invited and a part of your journey. I too have moved several times to brand new towns (and once to a different country for five years) I agree that leaving behind connections and friends is the hardest part. And yet, when that stirring comes, it cannot be denied. I have found that if I decide to ignore the stirrings and cling to the old.. it starts losing it's allure anyway. God is so faithful and good. Blesings to you in your new home!

      • My pleasure to be here! Also, I’m sorry that I signed on with Facebook. I didn’t notice your request about that until hours later. Hope it didn’t cause a problem!

      • Oh no friend, no problem at all to sign on with Facebook. I’m just not sure I’m going to be posting ever post to FB. It all depends on the subject of the post. That’s why I posted the note… before my posts automatically went to FB on the old blog. I’m going to be doing them manually as the Spirit leads… Sign on anyway you desire! I’m just SO glad you are here!!!

  5. Julie,

    I will follow you wherever Jesus leads you! I’m excited to read more of the words He gives you.

    Jesus is amazing, isn’t He? He makes life so beautiful!

    Love you!

    • Ahh… Heather… I am so excited that you are here! I always enjoy it when you stop by. I checked out your blog today. Looks like you guys are having a wonderful summer. I’m so glad!!! Thanks for stopping by friend!!

  6. Dearest Julie,
    God has blessed me with your presence once again in my life. I know there is a reason we’ve reconnected. I love to write as well although I have never have done anything with it, mostly in poetry. My life is a testimony a living reward from a commitment to finding my place and purpose as I seek to find Him in the quiet places of His creation and to cling to Him when the storms rage and turmoil is in my midst. God bless you, Julie~& I love Bren too…

    • Jean, What a blessing to have our paths cross again… How cool that you write, I’ll bet it is beautiful. I’m so glad you came by to visit. Thank you!

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